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Wednesday, 12 Mar 2025

Laboratory of European Union

Laboratory of European Union

If your thesis was devoted to the European Union, you can participate in the competition as part of the European Union Laboratory. The outcome of the project of European Union Laboratory will be 10 best collection of theses, which are devoted to European affairs. Authors of the works, who will occupy the first three places will receive rewards, for the first place - € 700, second place - 500 euros and 300 euros for the third place. Any work with the theme of the EU can be registered, and it does not matter what specialty the students are "- said Irankova Martin, director of the European learning VŠE. The only condition is that theses must not be older than one year from the period of protection of degree. All who was interested may apply by March 15. Entries will be judged by an independent appraisers. Based on their evaluation, the seven members of the committee will choose the best work.

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