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Higher Education Qualifications in the Czech Republic

The qualification structure recognises bachelor, master and doctoral levels.

  • A bachelor study programme (bakalářský studijní program) aims at qualifying to enter a profession or a master study programme. It takes 3 or 4 years (180-240 ECTS credits). Graduates receive the academic degree bakalář umění (BcA.) in the field of arts, and bakalář (Bc.) in other fields. The study programme must be completed in due form with a final state examination, which usually includes the presentation and defence of a bachelor thesis.
  • A master study programme (magisterský studijní program) follows a bachelor study programme. The length is 1 – 3 years (60 – 180 ECTS credits). In selected fields, where the nature of the study programme so requires (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law etc.) a master study programme need not follow on from a bachelor programme. In this case, the programme lasts 4 - 6 years (240 – 360 ECTS credits). Admission to these study programmes is conditional on passing the “maturita” examination (see access to bachelor studies).

Graduates of a master study programme have to take a final state examination and present and defend a diploma thesis. The studies in the field of medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine and hygiene are completed by a so-called “rigorous” (rigorózní) state examination including the public presentation and defence of a thesis.

The studies in a master programme lead to the academic degree:

  • magistr (Mgr.) – Master in humanities, sciences, law, teacher education, pharmacy and theology;
  • magistr umění (MgA.) – Master of Arts in the field of art;
    • inženýr (Ing.) – Engineer in the field of economics, technical sciences and technologies, agriculture, forestry and in military fields of study;
    • inženýr architekt (Ing.arch.) – Engineer Architect in the field of architecture;
    • doktor medicíny (MUDr.) – Doctor of Medicine
      • zubní lékař (MDDr.)Doctor of Dental Medicine
      • doktor veterinární medicíny (MVDr.)  – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in the field of veterinary medicine and hygiene

A course in dental medicine lasts 5 years. Courses in human medicine and veterinary medicine last 6 years. They are run by university medical faculties and faculties of veterinary medicine.

Holders of the academic degree magistr can pass a “rigorózní” state examination in the same field and present and defend a thesis. If completed successfully the following academic degrees are awarded:

doktor práv (JUDr.) – in the field of law;

doktor filozofie (PhDr.) – in the field of humanities, teacher education and social sciences;

doktor přírodních věd (RNDr.) – in the field of natural sciences;

doktor farmacie (PharmDr.) – in the field of pharmacy;

licenciát teologie (ThLic.) – in the field of Catholic theology;

licenciát teologie (ThLic.) or doktor teologie (ThDr.) in the field of theology except Catholic theology.

All the titles mentioned above are awarded at master level and written in front of the name.


  • The standard length of a doctoral study programme (doktorský studijní program) is 3 to 4 years. Doctoral studies are completed by a state doctoral examination and the public presentation and defence of a doctoral thesis (dissertation) based on original research the results of which must be published. Graduates of a doctoral study programme are awarded the academic degree of:

doktor (Ph.D.) - Doctor

doktor teologie (Th.D.) – Doctor of Theology in the field of theology.

These titles are written behind the name.


Academic year

The academic year starts on September 1 and ends on August 31 of the following year. It comprises a winter semester and a summer semester. The organization of the academic year is regulated by the relevant higher education institution’s statutes.


Credit system

A credit system (ECTS or a comparable system) is used at most higher education institutions.

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