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Czech Higher Education Degrees

  • Maturitní vysvědčení,
  • Diplomovaný specialista (DiS.)
  • Bakalář (Bc.)
  • Bakalář umění (BcA.)
  • Magistr (Mgr.)
  • Magistr umění (MgA.)
  • Inženýr (Ing.)
  • Inženýr architekt (Ing.arch.)
  • Doktor medicíny (MUDr.)
  • Zubní lékař (MDDr.)
  • Doktor veterinární medicíny (MVDr.)
  • Doktor farmacie (PharmDr.)
  • Doktor filozofie (PhDr.)
  • Doktor práv (JUDr.)
  • Doktor přírodních věd (RNDr.)
  • Licenciát teologie (ThLic. , ThDr.)
  • Doktor teologie (Th.D.)
Education DegreesCategory Education level Description Credential gives access to
(due date)
(due date)
Maturitní vysvědčení ( Maturita) Certificate Secondary School Leaving Certificate The maturita examinations are normally taken in four or five subjects: Czech, one modern language and two or three subjects of the pupil's choice. In vocational areas, technical subjects and the preparation of a project are obligatory Higher studies 13
Diplomovaný specialista (DiS.) Degree The length of tertiary professional education, in the day form, shall last for three 3 years including vocational training, and with regard to medical branches it shall last up to three and a half (3.5) years Higher studies, Professional training, Exercise of profession Tertiary professional education
Bakalář (Bc.) Degree First stage, bachelor studies First degree awarded in most fields of study, except medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, law and some others (teacher training, arts). The standard length of study is at least three (3) years and at most four (4) years Higher studies, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 1 – Bachelor study
Bakalář umění (BcA.) Degree First stage, bachelor studies First degree awarded in fine arts. The standard length of study is at least three (3) years and at most four (4) years. Credential gives access to: Higher studies, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 1 – Bachelor study
Magistr (Mgr.) Degree Second stage, master studies A master’s study programme is a follow up to a bachelor’s study programme; the standard length of such a programme is at least one year and at most three years. Should it be required by a nature of a study programme and master’s study programme is not a follow up to any bachelor’s study programme, this programme may yet be accredited; in this event the standard length of such a programme shall be at least four and at most six years (law, teacher training for secondary schools – 5 years, teacher training for the first stage of basic school – 4 years) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Magistr umění (MgA.) Degree Second stage, master studies Degree awarded in fine arts. A master’s study programme is a follow up to a bachelor’s study programme; the standard length is at least one year and at most three years. When master’s study programme is not a follow up to any bachelor’s study programme, this programme may yet be accredited; in this event the standard length of such a programme shall be at least four and at most six years (e.g.Painting, Sculpture, New Media – 6 years, Dramatic Arts, Dance Art – 4 years) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Inženýr (Ing.) Degree Second stage, master studies The degree of „inženýr“ is awarded in the field of economics, technical branches of study, agriculture, forestry and military science. A master’s study programme is a follow up to a bachelor’s study programme; the standard length is at least one year and at most three years. When master’s study programme is not a follow up to any bachelor’s study programme, this programme may yet be accredited; in this event the standard length of such a programme shall be at least four and at most six years Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Inženýr architekt (Ing.arch.) Degree Second stage, master studies Degree of „inženýr architekt“ is awarded in the field of architecture. A master’s study programme is a follow up to a bachelor’s study programme; the standard length is at least one year and at most three years (usually 2 years) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Doktor medicíny (MUDr.) Degree Second stage, master studies Studies in the field of medicine are completed in due form by passing a rigorous state examination. The standard length of study is six years Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Zubní lékař (MDDr.) Degree Second stage, master studies The total length of study for the award of the MDDr. (graduation in dentistry) is five years. Studies in the field of medicine are completed in due form by passing a rigorous state examination Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession
Doktor veterinární medicíny (MVDr.) Degree Second stage, master studies Studies in the field of veterinary medicine and hygiene are completed in due form by passing a rigorous state examination. The standard length of study is six years Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Doktor farmacie (PharmDr.) Degree Second stage, master studies Academic degree awarded in pharmacy after „magistr“ and after success in „státní rigorózní zkouška“ (state rigorosum examination). Part of the examination consists in the defence of „rigorózní práce“ (rigorosum thesis) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Doktor filozofie (PhDr.) Degree Second stage, master studies Academic degree awarded in humanities, education and social sciences after „magistr“ and after success in „státní rigorózní zkouška“ (state rigorosum examination). Part of the examination consists in the defence of „rigorózní práce“ (rigorosum thesis) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Doktor práv (JUDr.) Degree Second stage, master studies Academic degree awarded in law after „magistr“ and after success in „státní rigorózní zkouška“ (state rigorosum examination). Part of the examination consists in the defence of „rigorózní práce“ (rigorosum thesis) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Doktor přírodních věd (RNDr.) Degree Second stage, master studies Academic degree awarded in natural sciences after „magistr“ and after success in „státní rigorózní zkouška“ (state rigorosum examination). Part of the examination consists in the defence of „rigorózní práce“ (rigorosum thesis) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Licenciát teologie (ThLic. , ThDr.)- Doktor teologie Degree Second stage, master studies Academic degree awarded in theology after „magistr“ and after success in „státní rigorózní zkouška“ (state rigorosum examination). Part of the examination consists in the defence of „rigorózní práce“ (rigorosum thesis) Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession Stage 2 – Master study
Doktor teologie (Th.D.) Degree Second stage, master studies Studies within the framework of doctoral study programmes in the field of theology are subject to individual curricula under the guidance of a tutor. Studies end with the state doctoral examination and the defence of a dissertation. The standard length of study is at least three (3) years and at most four (4) years Stage 2 – Master study

Diplomovaný specialista (DiS.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Vyšší odborná škola (Tertiary Proffesional School)

Entrance requirements: the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita)

Credential required for entry: Maturitní vysvědčení

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination


Bakalář (Bc.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Vysoké učení technické (Technical University)

Vysoká škola ekonomická (University of Economics)

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická (Institute of Chemical Technology)

Vysoká škola polytechnická (College of Polytechnics)

Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design)

Technická univerzita (Technical University)

Akademie (Academy)

Vysoká škola (Institute, College, School)

Entrance requirements: the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita)

Credential required for entry: Maturitní vysvědčení

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination


Bakalář umění (BcA.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Akademie (Academy)

Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design)

Entrance requirements: the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita)

Credential required for entry: Maturitní vysvědčení

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination


Magistr (Mgr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Vysoké učení technické (Technical University)

Technická univerzita (Technical University)

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická (Institute of Chemical Technology)

Akademie (Academy)

Vysoká škola (Institute, College, School)

Entrance requirements: First stage of higher education (Bachelor studies) for a follow up study programme, the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita) for not a follow up study programme

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Bachelor diploma) for a follow up study programme,

Maturitní vysvědčení for not a follow up study programme

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination


Magistr umění (MgA.)

Category: Degree

Education level: Second stage, master studies

Description: Degree awarded in fine arts. A master’s study programme is a follow up to a bachelor’s study programme; the standard length is at least one year and at most three years. When master’s study programme is not a follow up to any bachelor’s study programme, this programme may yet be accredited; in this event the standard length of such a programme shall be at least four and at most six years (e.g.Painting, Sculpture, New Media – 6 years, Dramatic Arts, Dance Art – 4 years).

Credential gives access to: Higher studies, Research, Professional training, Exercise of profession

Stage: Stage 2 – Master study

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design)

Akademie (Academy)

Entrance requirements: First stage of higher education (Bachelor studies) for a follow up study programme, the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita) for not a follow up study programme

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Bachelor diploma) for a follow up study programme,

Maturitní vysvědčení for not a follow up study programme

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination


Inženýr (Ing.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Vysoké učení technické (Technical University)

Technická univerzita (Technical University)

Vysoká škola ekonomická (University of Economics)

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická (Institute of Chemical Technology)

Vysoká škola (Institute, College, School)

Entrance requirements: First stage of higher education (Bachelor studies) for a follow up study programme, the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita) for not a follow up study programme

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Bachelor diploma) for a follow up study programme, Maturitní vysvědčení for not a follow up study programme

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination required.


Inženýr architekt (Ing.arch.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Vysoké učení technické (Technical University)

Technická univerzita (Technical University)

Entrance requirements: First stage of higher education (Bachelor studies) for a follow up study programme

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Bachelor diploma) for a follow up study programme

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination required


Doktor medicíny (MUDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita)

Credential required for entry: Maturitní vysvědčení

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination


Zubní lékař (MDDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:


Entrance requirements: the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita)

Credential required for entry: Maturitní vysvědčení

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination required


Doktor veterinární medicíny (MVDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: the completion of secondary education with the final leaving examination (maturita)

Credential required for entry: Maturitní vysvědčení

Other admission requirements: Entrance examination


Doktor farmacie (PharmDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: Second stage of higher education (Master degree), degree of „magistr“

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Master diploma)


Doktor filozofie (PhDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: Second stage of higher education (Master degree), degree of „magistr“

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Master diploma)


Doktor práv (JUDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: Second stage of higher education (Master degree), degree of „magistr“

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Master diploma)


Doktor přírodních věd (RNDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: Second stage of higher education (Master degree), degree of „magistr“

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Master diploma)


Licenciát teologie (ThLic. , ThDr.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: Second stage of higher education (Master degree), degree of „magistr“

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Master diploma)

Doktor (Ph.D.)

Category: Degree

Education level: Third stage, doctoral studies

Description: Studies within the framework of doctoral study programmes are subject to individual curricula under the guidance of a tutor. Studies end with the state doctoral examination and the defence of a dissertation. The standard length of study is at least three (3) years and at most four (4) years.

Credential gives access to: Research, Exercise of profession

Stage: Stage 3-Doctoral study

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Vysoké učení technické (Technical University)

Technická univerzita (Technical University)

Vysoká škola ekonomická (University of Economics)

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická (Institute of Chemical Technology)Vysoká škola

uměleckoprůmyslová (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design)

Akademie (Academy)

Entrance requirements: Second stage of higher education (Master degree)

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Master diploma – Mgr., MgA., Ing., Ing.arch., MUDr., MDDr., MVDr.)

Entrance exam/test At:

National level: No

Institution level: Yes (interview, written, oral examination from the field of study and foreign language)

Other admission requirements: Curriculum vitae. Some departments accept letters of recommendation.


Doktor teologie (Th.D.)

Type of institution where credential is offered:

Univerzita (University)

Entrance requirements: Second stage of higher education (Master degree)

Credential required for entry: Diploma (Master diploma)

Entrance exam/test At:

National level: No

Institution level: Yes (interview, written, oral examination from the field of study and foreign language)

Other admission requirements: Curriculum vitae. Some departments accept letters of recommendation.

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